It was a beautiful experience to hang my paintings, created to help heal in emotional and spiritual realms, at a venue that offers healing in the physical domain. Most touching, by chance Mary Vannice was playing her harp while i put up my art, and her divine harmonies filled the room with soft petals of peace.
women and men are essentially very different, each with many sets of strengths and qualities of their own. if both genders can find and embrace their core values, equality would not be an issue because men and women could coexist peacefully and boys and men would not have to fear losing something through women's gains as women did during all those millennia of cruel patriarchy and obviously still do to this day.
unfortunately over time, even we as women, have been influenced by those patriarchal times over and over and developed their own patriarch within, visible by the almost unbelievable fact that so many women support misogynists, as shown for example in our political landscape right now. my life is passionately dedicated to help both women and men, find and feel their essence so that we don't have to use so much energy to overcome wounds, fears, inadequacy etc to feel empowered, but rather to draw from innate strength and express naturally and effortlessly. |
brie ehret barronan emotional pilgrimage Archives
June 2019
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