when i paint i am drawn into the world of the unknown, of discovering and expressing emotions, touching the wings of soul and a world that can’t easily be unveiled by words. living in a world of mind and body that didn’t support heart and soul,
i unconsciously started out very early in my life to use drawing and painting to express in ways no words can capture. having gone through decades as a degreed graphic designer and art director in advertisement, i returned to art when i started my own inner emotional work. fascinated with bringing my own emotions to canvas and letting them be alive, uncensored and not judged, i started helping people express the divinity of what they feel and could as such move my deep love for them and how much i care. connecting open-heartedly with people brought me to a place where i love creating individual soul art for others by listening to what wants to be seen or unveiled, either to help a difficult life situation or just as a reminder of their own spiritual roots, leading to the unknown within which is the ground out of which seeing arises. in the end we all have the capacity to access our emotions through creativity, and it is in my heart to help people to find this access so that they can bring out whatever sleeps inside, be felt in it, and create their own piece of art, however complex or simple it might be - heart art - art that heals. |